Bear Activity Report
Sightings in the Past Week
Cougar Sighting – Rockyview County – March 30, 2025
In the evening on March 28 and 29, a cougar was photographed by a trail camera on the driveway of a residence near Bottrel. (info from land owner)
Bear Smart Districts

Sightings Older Than One Week
Wolf Sighting – Rockyview County – March 21, 2025
Mid-morning on March 21, 2 light-coloured wolves were seen along the Grand Valley Road N of Highway 1A. (info from motorist)
Cougar Sighting – CC – February 23, 2025
At noon on February 23, tracks of a cougar were seen in the snow at the Allstones Creek trailhead at Abrham Lake. (info from hiker)
Bear Sighting – MVC – February 22, 2025
Footprints of a bear were seen in the driveway of a residence W of the Bearberry Saloon. (info from resident)
The recent wam weather may have prompted the bear to come out of its den for a look around. There is not much natural food available for bears right now so hopefully it will return to its den. It is very important to ensure there is nothing left outside in your yard for bears to eat.
Cougar Sighting – CC – February 11, 2025
In the evening on February 10, a cougar was photographed by a trail camera NE of the James River Bridge store. (info from land owner) The cougar has been seen in the area for a few weeks.
Wolf Sighting – MVC – January 12, 2025
On the afternoon of January 12, a wolf was sighted SE of Water Valley.

If the presence of a bear or other wildlife is a human safety concern or causing damage to property or livestock,
call Fish & Wildlife for assistance at 1-800-642-3800 (24 hour, toll-free Report A Poacher line)
If the situation is a public safety emergency, call 9-1-1

Report a sighting
When MVBS began, county residents wanted a means to let one another know where and when they saw bears even if the bears were not causing a conflict. We developed our website to meet that request.
So if you see a bear, please send us an email to and we will post it to the website and include it in our weekly bear activity report. Use the subject line “Bear Sighting” and include as much of the following information as you can:
- your name and contact information
- species sighted – grizzly bear, black bear, cougar, wolf, etc (photos welcome)
- date, time and place of the sighting (include legal land location or GPS coordinates)
- the number of animals seen – male or female; with or without cubs
- is the site residential, rural, acreage, urban, industrial facility, etc
- what the animal was doing at the time – passing through, eating, into the garbage, etc
- was the animal close to a house, barn, livestock, pets, etc
Please feel free to email MVBS at if you need help to identify bear species from photographs, to identify paw prints, scat, etc and to answer any questions on wildlife biology and management.
Get the report emailed to you
To get the weekly Bear Activity Report (It’s FREE) simply send us an email to and tell us the email address you want to have the report sent to. We do not SPAM, your email will be used for the report only.